Sunday, August 31, 2008

Driving like her mom

As we were leaving the park, Karlee saw this ride and had to do it. She was really cute, but couldn't always figure out how to drive it. She was always looking around her at other kids and laughing. Never paying attention to what she it doing, sound like daughter like mother to me.


Therapist Mumbles said...

I have been randomly clicking around and found your blog. You seem to have a marvelous family with cute, inquisitive children. I hope that you understand how much of an impact this year’s election will have on determining what kind of future they will have.

I also hope that you can see that the kind of country and government that Mr. Obama is trying to build offers a greater chance for a healthy, prosperous and safe American than it would be if Mr. McCain becomes President. I feel that this is a very critical election, probably the most important election since 1860, and that you do what is best for your family by taking your choice seriously.

If you have any comments or questions please post them on my blog.

The Lunds said...

That is too funny. Women are good multi-taskers so she is just fine.